Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The adventure takes another turn 2.0

Alright folks, here's the 411 on recent events. Mirjam has been here for almost a month and leaves tomorrow. Jaren arrived last week and Jenny and Ethan the week before. The biggest news we have is that the Myers have finally chosen to abandon us. After all the ups and downs and landlords and moves, they have made their arrangements and are headed back to the 0-town tomorrow as well. Lindsey will be missed, Chris smells like the frog you dissect in biology so him, not so much, but Lindsey oh Lindsey why for art thou leaving me oh sister? Ok thats not nice so Chris you don't really smell like the frog. As afore mentioned we added to our family. We brought home a 1.5 lb furry ball of love on April's birthday. Her name is April too. We just yell and at least one of them comes in a hurry. Ha ha, just kidding she hasn't finished that part of her training and the dog doesn't know her name yet either. I'll put more pictures up later on. Now for those of you who know, I have a dog named copper that my cousin was gracious enough to take in. I tried every method I could to find a cost effective way to bring her to Hawaii, but after all the vet visits, shots, kennel, plane ticket and quarantine fees, it would be near $2000 to have one poor beagle mutt brought to the volcanic spec we call home. Obviously it was just too high of a cost so we invested in another pooch that wouldn't require more transportation than the ride across the island to a new home. We named her Sascha. Moving on, I am going to attempt another video post, this one is a direct upload so it shouldn't slow down the webpage. This video is of Abbi and her backup dancers at the Local Thai restaurant. They had some jammin' belly dancing music going on in the background and out of the blue Abbi starts shakin' what her momma gave her. It was hilarious, the waitress kept coming by to watch. I whipped out my cell and tried to capture the moment, I mostly succeeded:
Hopefully it works, if not I probably won't get around to fixing it anytime soon. April got her first permanent paycheck as an official government employee. Being a nurse employed federally means that she not only has great pay and benefits now, but total job security too. Her retirement will also kick in when she is 46. Now I am going to make this next comment with the best of intentions. It has come to my knowledge that a couple of weird rumors are floating around about us moving back to Utah. April and I don't have plans to change or domicile any time soon. In fact this move may very well be permanent. Of course we miss being near the family but we both agreed that the life we lead here together has not only improved us financially but has really cemented our marriage. In spite of the hardships we've faced here, we will be staying for a minimum of a few more years, if do move it will have to be a state that April can transfer to. Now the next comment is made with a little less sugar spice. If you haven't spoken to ME (Chad) directly about visiting and planned exact dates, I am not planning on lodging you. We cannot support more than one (entire/parents and kids) family at a time. This was a lesson hard learned during last Christmas. If you'd like to pair up with another couple and come without kids, then by all means make plans. We just don't have the room to put up more than about 4 adults or 2 adults and a few kids. As of this moment, the Foley's are coming again for Christmas, the Melos have hinted at a possible summer visit and the Spencer's have requested some time early next year. So jump on the band wagon folks because we would love to have the family visit. As always the same visitng house rules apply, the first two weeks are on us, just help with the food bill, after that you we'd like you to help cover the utilities. The average electric bill in our neighborhood is between $300 and $400 per MONTH. Keep in mind that our water heater is electric so when you throw another 4+ people in the mix, well you see where I am going with that. I hope this doesn't come across as being short or rude, just want to clear the air so everyone knows how we feel. Keep in mind that the family is VERY important to us and we miss being around you and all the kids, so please make arrangements to visit. We can provide a free two weeks stay and a 24 hour buffet, just open the fridge, and all the card games you can handle.
As a quick recap, Lindsey and Chris Myers leaving, Mirjam leaving, Jenny and Ethan, and Jaren Arrived. New dog arrived. Dancing Abbi. We're not going to move back. Please call us so we can plan your visit. Boy, what a great post. Glad that's all cleared up, So how are you?


The Melo Family said...

I see how it is

Sir Chadwin said...

??? you do? how is it? I guess the posting came across as a little short, but you haven't told me if or when you'd like to come...

The Melo Family said...

SOOO not true! We talked about it and I told you when I would like to come! But if it would be easier, we can come when there are less ppl there. It would be nice to help with the tents cause then it would pay for the trip. We wont be able to come for a long time if we dont come to help with the tents. Since we will have to save for it enstead of putting it on a credit card and then paying it off with the money we get for helping. But then again you were gonna let me know if you were even getting 2 tents. Anyway either way we will come someday. It just depends on if you need/want us this new years.
Another cool thing is Drew is about to become a real estate agent and it would be so cool if he could sell houses in Hawaii!!!