Saturday, May 16, 2009

If only there were something more exciting to tell

Well here we are mid may-ish and there's really nothing to report. Jenny and her son are here. They spend most of the time here at home but are out and about during peak times. Jaren, my cousin, is working for Don doing all sorts of odds and ends. Landscaping, flooring, masonry. He's gone most every day and with April at work, that leaves me and you, dear reader, me and you, so what do you want to do?. Well and the girls of course. Which over the last few days have been quick sick. Fevers, runny noses, coughing, the nasties. Abbi is cutting teeth and Hannah just got a cold or something. April had it and likely brought it home from the hospital with her. Now, I'd like everyone to know that the only three confirmed cases of swine flu are on Oahu at Tripler Army Medical Center. So when April came down with it and went in to have it checkd I told everyone in the ward that she had the swine flu. This was done entirely to benefit me of course, I figured if the word got around and since everyone seems to be treating this like a deadly plague, the relief society would eventually have to bring over food since my wife was going to surely perish after growing a little curly tail and pointy ears. So far, no good. Oh well it was worth a shot. She in fact does not have the swine flu, just a normal something or another. Funny thing, one day we were on our way back home and stopped at a busy light and on the radio was announced that the three confirmed cases were now accompanied by two suspected cases. I rolled down the window and shouted, "wahooo, my wife is FAMOUS, she has suspected swine flu!" I thought it was hilarious and our moment of fame, the other drivers just looked at me like I was nuts. But hey, it doesn't really matter what strangers think of you, right? As long as you have your day in the sun at your poor sick wife's expense. Heartless, yes. Everyone now seems to be on the mend. The fevers are gone and April has felt good for a few days now. I, thanks to my mom for the immune system, don't get sick very often. I make up for it with a bad back that loves to go out under stress. See, there really is justice for all.
April's job seems to be going very well, my job seems to be lagging though. When tech prices fall, so does my profits, and its starting to seem a little less than fortune building at this point. Oh well, onward and upward. April and I did go to the local waterpark the other day, that was fun. We forgot the camera but did enjoy ourselves. Its not quite as big as lagoon-a-beach. But they have to big Keiki (child) pools that have lots of slides and waterfalls. The even let abbi go down the big tube slides. Well I say big but its probably not half the size of the tube ride at crystal springs. When money isn't so scarce, we've considered getting season passes because they are so cheap and that would enable us to get a discount on passes for our guests. So WHEN (notice I didn't say IF) you all (Stokers being called out on this one) decide to come, we can add that to the itinerary of excellent things to do. Just so you all know, Jenny and Jaren leave early next month. That means we're gonna have a big house in paradise with no one to help us occupy it! Hint Hint.
Speaking of mad cows. Some of you know that the temple is shut down here on Oahu for MAJOR rennovations. They have closed it for 18 months. The white coral facing has all been stripped away and the insides are completely gutted. The are leaving the shell of the building intact and starting over I guess. But being that it is closed, the wards are now scheduling visits to the small temple in Hilo, on the big island. April and I are going on the 22nd to the 23rd for a temple excursion. Funny how it means so much more to you when its not readily available. Kind of like going to the beach. Inter-island tickets are about $30 for residents and well, we're gonna make it an over-nighter. We'll send pictures. From what I hear, that island looks just like the one we live on! NO WAY HUH!
So lets recap, naw, did that last time.

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